
Sunday, February 16, 2014

2/17-2/21/14 - Social Media Week is Almost Here! Attend free events/parties, stream content! And try to win a $250 pass to SMW! Volunteer!

Social Media Week is just around the corner - from Monday, February 17th to Friday, February 21st!

Although there are paid passes that range from $250-$1000, did you know there are a handful of events that are free to attend, including Mashable's 3rd Annual SMW Beer Pong Tournament? which, as I recall from last year had food, free drinks, a beer pong tournament and some startup freebies like the Uber rides and Seamless giftcards. 

Another memorable and free event was the "Tweet is Right" where prizes were up for grab by being the first to tweet the price closest without going over in an allotted time period.  There was even one at Likeable Media where speed dating took place with 2 concentric circles rotating with fun social media questions. 

Look at the Social Media Week schedule here and let me know if you're going to any, so we can meet up!

I also remember that many of the presentations were stream-able free, either on their website or app, so check it out.
Social Media Week Mobile App: Get here!

WIN a $250 pass to Social Media Week! Enter here! 10 Winners!

VOLUNTEER - I'm not sure if it's too late to volunteer, but if interested, go here!

Thanks Prezi for designing and producing The Official Guide to SMW New York and making Social Media Week possible for me with a free campus pass!

Enjoy and I hope to see you at Social Media Week!
Terresa =)

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