The No Pants Subway Ride in Berlin
Cities participating in the global No Pants Subway Ride (more to come as they get announced!):
Any corrections, let us know in the comments! If you participate in a regional ride and use twitter, tag your posts with #NoPantsSubwayRide and
@ImprovEvery so everyone can follow along with other cities throughout the day.
Finally, if you are interested in future events, please join our email list
1) Willing to take pants off on subway
2) Able to keep a straight face about it
When: Sunday, January 13 at 3:00 PM, Sharp!
(Over around 5 PM)Where: Six meeting points spread out all over New York City. Details below.
Bring: A backpack/bag and a metro card.
Wear: Normal winter clothes (hat, gloves, etc)
Facebook: You can RSVP to the
Facebook Event (Optional but appreciated)After Party: 5 PM at Bar 13.
RSVP here.
There are six meeting points this year. Take your pick. The Manhattan meeting points tend to be crowded, so if you live in Brooklyn or Queens, definitely go to one of those! You’ll probably have more fun! If you are a member of the media, please see our
press information page.
Astoria: Meet at Hoyt Playground –
Google MapBrooklyn: Meet by the Old Stone House –
Google MapDowntown Manhattan: Meet at Foley Square –
Google MapLower East Side: Meet at Sarah Roosevelt Park on Houston –
Google MapUptown Manhattan: Meet at the Great Hill in Central Park –
Google MapWilliamsburg / Bushwick: Meet at Maria Hernandez Park –
Google Map
Everyone should meet at their chosen meeting point at 3 PM. Feel free to be early.
At the meeting points, participants will be organized into groups and assigned a specific train car. Once everyone is divided up we will all head to nearby subway station[s]. Do not talk to others once you enter the subway system. No one knows each other.
Sit in the car as you normally would. Read on your phone or whatever you would normally do. Your team leader will have already divided you into smaller groups, assigning your group a specific stop where you will depants.
As soon as the doors shut at the stop before yours, stand up and take your pants off and put them in your backpack. If you’d like to use a briefcase, purse, grocery bag, or whatever instead of a backpack that’s fine too. If anyone asks you why you’ve removed your pants, tell them that they were “getting uncomfortable” (or something along those lines.)
Exit the train at your assigned stop and stand on the platform, pantless. You will wait on the platform for the next train to arrive. Stay in the exact same place on the platform so you enter the next train in the same car as you exited the last train.
When you enter, act as you normally would. You do not know any of the other pantless riders. If questioned, tell folks that you “forgot to wear pants” and yes you are “a little cold.” Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants. Be nice and friendly and normal.
Remember: Taking photos is not keeping a straight face. Enjoy the experience and resist the urge to document. Take those Instagram shots when the ride is over.
All train routes will converge on Union Square. Your exact route will be explained at the meeting point, and may involve a transfer.
You can wear fun underwear if you like, but nothing that screams out, “I wore this because I’m doing a silly stunt.” Wear two pairs of underwear if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t wear a thong or anything else that might offend people. Our aim is to make people laugh, not piss them off.
If you are interested in future events like this, please join our
email list!
See you on the 13th!
Have fun!
Be aware that by participating, you recognize that Improv Everywhere is not liable in the event you are injured, arrested, or worse. By choosing to participate you are still responsible for your actions.